Who is the Deutschland-Ticket worthwhile for?
The ticket is worthwhile for all those who want to leave their car behind more often and use public transport throughout Germany. The offer is cheaper than (almost) all previous monthly tickets and subscriptions in the MVV area - in this respect, the majority of our subscribers benefit from it.
Please note that the new ticket does not include the possibility of taking along passengers, transferability, etc. - but these may be more relevant to customers than the price alone.
How can I cancel the MVV Deutschland-Ticket subscription?
The subscription can be canceled at any time until the 10th of a month to the end of the month.
We recommend canceling your Deutschland Ticket subscription directly via the MVV app.
To do this, navigate to the "Ticketshop" tab in the top right-hand corner of the app and click on the profile (person symbol). Select the subscription to be canceled under "Subscriptions" and cancel it using the corresponding button.
Alternatively, the subscription ticket can also be canceled as follows:
When you purchased the Germany ticket, you received two e-mails. One e-mail confirms the purchase of the Deutschland-Ticket for the desired month. The second e-mail confirms the conclusion of the subscription. In this second e-mail you will find a link that you can use to cancel your subscription. You will find this link again in the notification about the issue of the respective ticket for the following month. If you can no longer find the e-mail with the link, you can also cancel your subscription by sending an informal e-mail to kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de. Please state your subscription number or the order number of the subscription.
Is my BahnCard100 valid in the MVV fare zone?
The BahnCard100 does not include travel rights in the MVV.
Customers currently receive a Deutschlandticket in addition to the BahnCard100, which is valid in the entire MVV fare zone. The free transportation of children or bicycles with the BahnCard100 is not valid with the Deutschlandticket and therefore not valid in the MVV. Please buy regular MVV tickets for children and bicycles.
Where can I find information about buying the Deutschland Ticket via the MVV app?
Deutschland-Ticket subscription
How do I cancel the subscription?
The subscription can be canceled at any time until the 10th of a month to the end of the month.
We recommend canceling your Deutschland Ticket subscription directly via the MVV app.
To do this, navigate to the "Ticketshop" tab in the top right-hand corner of the app and click on the profile (person symbol). Select the subscription to be canceled under "Subscriptions" and cancel it using the corresponding button.
Alternatively, the subscription ticket can also be canceled as follows:
When you purchased the Deutschland-Ticket, you received two e-mails. One e-mail confirms the purchase of the Deutschland-Ticket for the desired month. The second e-mail confirms the conclusion of the subscription. In this second e-mail you will find a link that you can use to cancel your subscription. You will find this link again in the notification about the issue of the respective ticket for the following month. If you can no longer find the e-mail with the link, you can also cancel your subscription by sending an informal e-mail to kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de. Please state your subscription number or the order number of the subscription.
The Deutschland-Ticket (for the following month) is not displayed in the MVV app. Where can I find my ticket?
If your Deutschland-Ticket is not displayed in the MVV app, please proceed as follows:
1. open the Ticketshop menu item
2. click on the profile symbol in the top right corner
3. log out and then log back in
Also make sure that you have the latest version of the MVV app.
Note: Only currently valid tickets are displayed in the "My Tickets" area in the MVV app on Android devices.You can only find the ticket for the next month in the "Ticketshop" menu item until the validity starts. From the time it is made available, the ticket for the following month will always be displayed there (from around the middle of the previous month). When the validity begins, the ticket is also automatically available in the "My Tickets" area.
Is the Deutschland-Ticket worthwhile compared to a monthly season ticket?
Yes, the Deutschland-Ticket is our most flexible and attractive offer. It offers you nationwide mobility on local and regional transport. Compared to the cheapest classic MVV monthly ticket (Zone M) with a validity of one year, you pay only €1 more per month with the Deutschland-Ticket. In return, you enjoy unlimited mobility in the entire MVV area and throughout Germany.
How exactly do I order the Deutschland-Ticket as a subscription in the MVV-Ticketshop?
The Deutschland-Ticket is only offered as a monthly subscription. In order to take out the subscription, you need an account in the MVV-Ticketshop. This allows you to select the relevant ticket in the app and complete the subscription. The Deutschland-Ticket is provided as a monthly ticket. The first ticket is available immediately after purchase in the MVV-Ticketshop. The subscription contract is valid for an indefinite period.
Can I buy the Deutschland-Ticket at any time of the month?
Yes, purchasing the Ticket via the MVV Ticketshop is possible at any time, even during the current month (until shortly before the end of the month). The ticket is available in the app immediately after purchasing it in the MVV-Ticketshop. Please note that this is a subscription model that must be cancelled no later than the 10th of the month for the cancellation to take effect at the end of the month.
Can I buy the ticket in advance?
The subscription can be started immediately for the current month or for the following month.
Can I buy the ticket for one month only ?
You can purchase the Deutschland-Ticket for just one month either in the previous month or up to the 10th of the current month. Please note that you must cancel the subscription in good time if you only want to use the Deutschland-Ticket for one month.
I bought a Deutschland-Ticket. Why did I receive a second ticket for the next mont?
This subscription can only be canceled until the 10th of the current month. If you buy the ticket for the current month after the 10th of a month, you will automatically receive the ticket for the next month in addition.
Why have I been charged again, even though I have already paid for the current month?
The amounts for the following months are due with the monthly provision of the corresponding ticket in the app (middle/end of the previous month).
How do I receive the ticket for the next month?
After the first purchase of the Deutschland-Ticket, each additional ticket is automatically made available in the app in good time before the beginning of the next month. You will receive an email confirmation with each monthly deployment.
Which payment methods are available?
You can use the direct debit procedure (Lastschriftverfahren) or your credit card to purchase the Deutschland-Ticket. The monthly debit is always made from the payment method used for the first purchase.
When is the monthly debit made?
The amount for the first monthly ticket is due immediately after conclusion of the subscription contract. The amounts for the subsequent months are due in each case with the monthly provision of the corresponding ticket within the app (middle/end of the previous month, monthly payment method). The monthly debit is always made from the payment method used for the first purchase.
How can I change the payment method for a current subscription?
It is not possible to change the payment method for a current subscription. You must cancel the current subscription at the earliest possible date and then take out a new subscription with the new payment details.
If you wish to cancel your ticket, you can do so via the MVV app. To do this, navigate to the profile (person symbol) under the "Ticketshop" tab at the top right. Select the subscription to be canceled under "Subscriptions" and cancel it by clicking the corresponding button.
Alternatively, the subscription ticket can also be canceled via the personalized cancellation link (see e-mail "Confirmation of the conclusion of a Deutschland-Ticket subscription incl. cancellation link"). If you can no longer find the e-mail with the link, you can also cancel the subscription by sending an informal e-mail to kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de. Please state your customer number or the order number of the subscription.
Please note that the subscription must be canceled by the 10th of the month at the latest for the cancellation to take effect at the end of the month. Otherwise, termination is only possible at the end of the following month.
Note for payment by credit card: If you use an expired credit card for the current subscription, the subscription will be automatically canceled at the end of the month after two unsuccessful debit attempts. You will receive a corresponding confirmation of termination by e-mail at the end of the month. Please then order a new subscription with your new credit card starting the following month.
What do I do in case of technical problems?
Please check these FAQs to see if the issue is answered here. If you cannot find a solution, please contact us at kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.
We ask you to explain your request as precisely as possible and provide all necessary information and, if possible, attach screenshots.
How can I transfer the Deutschland-Ticket to another app?
The Deutschland-Ticket can only be used in the MVV app. Transfer to apps from other providers (e.g. MVG, DB) is not possible.
Where can I find more general information about the Deutschland-Ticket?
Further general information about the Deutschland-Ticket can be found here.
What do MVV subscribers need to do now?
You can apply for a change from your existing subscription to the Deutschland-Ticket via the respective transport company. You will find the links to do so at the top of this page.
Is there an annual payment? Is the annual payment additionally discounted compared to the monthly payment?
According to the nationwide tariff regulations for the Deutschlandticket, a monthly payment is specified. However, transport companies are also allowed to offer an annual payment method - but without any further discount. If you wish to make an annual payment, please inquire with the respective transport company whether this is offered.
What happens to advance payments made for subscriptions?
Prepayments made will be refunded on a pro rata basis in accordance with the regular contract terms.
Note: This means that there are no longer any refunds for terminations that take effect in the 11th or 12th month of a billing year ("free months").
Can I continue to use my existing IsarCard chip card?
Yes this is possible. You can apply for a change from your existing subscription to the Deutschland-Ticket via the respective transport company. You will find the links to do so at the very top of this page.
Will the ticket really only be available digitally?
Yes, the Deutschland-Ticket is planned as a purely digital offering - i.e., as a HandyTicket as well as in chip card format.
On which means of transport is the ticket valid?
Like the 9-Euro-Ticket from July to September 2022, the Deutschlandticket will be valid on regional and local transport - i.e. on regional trains, suburban trains, streetcars, subways and buses throughout Germany.
Of course, you can also use a Deutschlandticket to travel in the entire MVV tariff area.
The Deutschlandticket will not be valid on long-distance trains (for example, ICE, IC, EC or Flixtrain) or in 1st class.
Can I also travel in 1st class with the Deutschland-Ticket?
No. The Deutschlandticket is currently only planned for 2nd class.
Will the MVV zones M and 1 to 12 remain?
Yes, there are currently no plans to change the fare logic in the MVV area. Above all, there must continue to be a fare basis for the cash fare offers (see next question) for people who travel more occasionally by public transport.
What will become of the MVV's other fare offers?
The offers of the cash fare (strip ticket, one-way tickets,...) will remain unchanged in order to continue to suitably serve people who only occasionally travel by public transport. The IsarCard subscriptions will also continue to be available, but many customers will probably opt for the Deutschlandticket.
Will there be a special ticket for children and young people?
No, the Deutschlandticket is planned as a subscription for everyone.
Pupils and trainees will continue to travel more cheaply in the MVV area with the 365-euro ticket.
What about carry-on arrangements for children?
There are no rules for accompanying children. Children up to the age of 6 travel free of charge when accompanied.
Is the Deutschland-Ticket transferable to another person?
No. The Deutschlandticket is a personalized offer that is not transferable.
Is it possible to take bicycles and dogs with me free of charge for Deutschlandticket holders?
Taking a bicycle or a dog with the Deutschlandticket is generally subject to a charge. However, regional exceptions are possible. The following applies to the MVV tariff area: Anyone wishing to take a bicycle with them must purchase a bicycle day ticket; taking a (single) dog, on the other hand, is free of charge for Deutschlandticket holders - even if the Deutschlandticket was not purchased from a sales partner in the MVV.
Does the 365-euro annual ticket for students and trainees still pay off?
See above: Pupils and trainees continue to travel cheaper in the MVV area with the 365-Euro-Ticket MVV.
Is there a special offer for trainees and students?
In Bavaria, a reduced-price Deutschlandticket for students, trainees and volunteers is offered. The discount ticket can also be used nationwide as a cheaper version of the Deutschlandticket. The discount ticket in the MVV area can only be ordered via MVG.
Is there a Jobticket variant of the Deutschland-Ticket?
There will also be a Jobticket variant of the Deutschlandticket - without a minimum purchase quantity. The prerequisite for this is an additional payment by the employer of at least 25 percent on the ticket price, in return for which a discount of 5 percent on the regular price is granted for the Deutschlandticket as a job ticket. Please contact your employer to find out whether a Deutschlandticket as a job ticket is offered. The Deutschlandticket as a job ticket can be used by employees whose employer has concluded an agreement on the purchase of the Deutschlandticket as a job ticket with one of our sales partners. Employers who wish to offer their employees a Deutschlandticket as a job ticket and conclude the necessary agreement for this purpose can contact MVV GmbH in this regard at the e-mail address job-d-ticket@mvv-muenchen.de.
Can additional charges be levied on the Deutschland-Ticket for demand-oriented (on-demand services) offers?
Yes, surcharges may be applied for demand responsive and flexible services in accordance with local fare regulations.
Is it possible to travel to border cities like Salzburg or Kufstein with the Deutschland-Ticket?
As with the 9 Euro ticket, the ticket is always valid to the last tariff station, e.g. Salzburg and also Kufstein.